
27 March 2010

Making a Mess with Mica ..

Sooo .. I've been playing with Mica this week, and making a hell of a mess:

For very little result :(

Yeah I guess they look 'OK'.. Only not so much considering they were deep intense colours - like Plum Wine Red, and Dark Blue (those white ones at the back) to start with .. I literally watched all the colour fade out of these as they set up in the moulds, and could have cried ..

Thankfully I did have one soaping success which made up for this loss .. And it's one I hope to repeat many times over in the future .. If you haven't already tried Bramble Berrry's Toasted Rice FO - DO! It's soooo yum that if it stays true and strong in my bars I will be using it to replace my favourite OMH .. Yep it truly is that good ♥


  1. So disappointing when that happens Clear. Which micas did you try? I have been having pretty good success with the pop ones so far. I have Toasted Rice on my wishlist....have to get an order together to get it now - you enabler, you! :)

  2. Now Toasted Rice sounds lovely! I will be eager to hear how it holds up. What mica did you use in the pink stars? I adore that color! So pretty! The stars are just so smooth and yummy looking! And geez, it all does make such a mess!
