
10 March 2010

Riding The Waves ..

I kind of regret deleting this mornings early post .. I'm just not sure what to share and what to keep to myself, but I want people to know I very much appreciated the comments that were left ..

B & I connected again briefly today, just letting each other know that there is still plenty of love between us, and that we will continue to think/wonder about each other in years to come .. I guess it's hard to dis-entwine when you have been involved with someone on such a level for so long .. And I'm so grateful that we said "enough" before that love gave way to anger and resentment ..That in itself feels like a precious gift to me ..

So I'm alternating between tears and numbness .. Trying desperately to focus my mind of other things but failing miserably .. And I'm reposting this clip as I just can't get the song out of my head .. I'm so hollow baby, I'm so hollow ..

I even tried walking on the beach, and taking photo's .. Only the whole world looks glum through my eyes just now ..


  1. {{hugs}}! Hopefully each day gets a little easier. Take care.

  2. Surrounding you with love, hugs and peaceful thoughts and sending you healing energy. Spend time in each moment, savour it, and then move on to your next moment Clare....stay safe and take care of you.

  3. *hugs* I wish life could be easier at times, but that doesn't always happen. But sad things do happen, and it's during those times that are down we need to remember all the joys that we experience as well.

  4. Thank-You All {{hugs}}

    I'm doing OK, feeling a little better by the day, and have come to realise that any tears I cry are only because of the many happy memories we shared ..
