
06 March 2010

Full Bloom & Beyond ..

I was just having a mooch around the garden (pretty much all I do out there lately aside from hang laundry and soak in the hot tub) when I came to my 'Purple Flowering Shrub' growing in half a wine barrel ..
Tibouchina urvilleana ©Artisan Soaps
The petals had fallen, lay scattered about,
yet it's beauty remains in full bloom ..

Oh My that sounds corny, lol *shrugs* I just type it as I think it ..

You really can't appreciate the beauty of this 'dead flower' at this size so please click on the image to see a larger one .. And for the record the pink/purple in the top right is actually my house - I'm loving how well the colours match :)


  1. Very pretty! Your photos just appeal to me. I have hope that spring will be showing up here soon!

  2. That is a beautiful picture Clare. I love Tibouchina flowers. For the record I love how you think - that poetry can be applied to your gorgeous flower and as easily to an aged who's typing as they think it? ;)

  3. That's gorgeous!! So unlike the flowers we have around here...
