
16 March 2010

"Bring Me Your Marbles!"

(aka) My Sweet Feet Treat ..

It's the end of Summer here in New Zealand which means my poor feet have been seriously neglected for months on end .. And anyone who knows me knows I run around bare footed 90% of the time, no matter if that's indoors, out in the garden, down at the beach, or on hot city streets!

Yep they were looking pretty nasty, all rough and cracked .. So I thought I'd take the opportunity to do some pampering ..

Step #1 - ask son to gather up all his marbles and put them into a clean bucket, wash thoroughly and remove any that are broken or chipped
- this is VERY important!

Step #2 - fill bucket with warm water and set down on a mat
somewhere you can comfortable rest for the next 30-60 minutes ..
Don't forget a towel for when you're done soaking ..
(you can add salt, essential oils, or other bath goodies if you wish)

Step #3 - soak feet in water, rubbing them over the marbles to massage .. I like heaps of marbles so they rub up the sides and on top too ..
You're right, they are very hairy legs .. Whadda ya expect from a hippie?

Step #4 - use a pumice stone to rub off any rough patches and smooth the outsides of cuts etc .. I do this twice to each foot twice, soaking again in between to keep the skin soft .. Trust me it's too gross to show you pics of!

Step #5 - apply your favourite scrub or maybe some dead sea mud/clay mask or what have you .. Then rinse off and pat dry before doing Step Six ..

Step #6 - today I applied a new lotion bar rich in Shea Butter, Olive Oil, and Rose Geranium Essential Oil to aid the healing of the cracks
Shea Rose Lotion Bars
Shea Rose (solid lotion bars)

Step #7 (optional) - Clip/File &/or Paint toenails

Only to be honest I'm really not a fan of solid lotion bars *shrugs* they're just not my thing .. The texture of thick balm on my skin really wiggs me out to the point I need to wash it off with soap .. Even with cornflour I find them greasy (as in straight Shea), and they never seem to fully absorb in ..

So anyway, I coated each foot with these and their not too bad, but after ten minutes I rubbed off the excess with a towel and applied my favourite Body Butter which incidentally my feet love *winks*


  1. I'm just beginning barefoot season up here. I love the marble idea; that must feel great on the feet.

  2. Oh, and to think I gave away my sons marbles when they outgrew them....I have some clear ones I use in a vase but they are pretty gross atm. I think I will have to buy me some new ones soon. I love the idea of a marble footbath/soak! Thank you Clear :)

    I find that lotion bars are fine if I apply them just before I go to bed and rub in very well first. Then I am asleep while the good butters and oils do their thing :)

  3. I love the idea of using marbles in a foot soak, i bet that felt wonderful!!! Now where are all the kids marbles.... think i can steal some of the pretty stones out of the fish tank? LOL

    Shopping List....
    * lots of marbles

  4. The marbles sound wonderful! My feet are just wiggling with the thought of how good that would feel.

    I haven't been impressed with lotion bars either. I prefer something I can scoop and slather.

  5. your lotion bars look so creamy! I use mine before bed. Rub on feet, put socks on, rub on hands, try not to touch face and go to sleep! My favorite part is sniffing the fragrane oil!
