
18 February 2010

The Vanilla Files .. (part 1)

As I mentioned in an earlier post Vanillin in fragrance has a way of discolouring soap .. This is something a soapmaker has to accept, unless they choose to use a new product called Vanilla Stabiliser .. The disadvantages of this is that increases the cost of the soap, add's more chemicals, and may not work with all fragrances (results are varied) ..

So before I go that route I've decided to test a number of Vanillin based Fragrance Oils in the same recipe (80%OO - 20%CO), and take notes/photo's of each over the following year to determine:

  • Colour of Cured Soap (soap needs time to cure/mature just like wine & cheese, this could be 6wks - 6months depending on the formula)

  • Colour of Lather (white is good, brown is unacceptable)

  • How Scent holds in bar (over a year)

  • How Scent sticks to skin (can you still smell it after leaving the shower?)

  • The Fragrance itself!

The Oils I will be testing are all available from {{ Karen @ Big Tree Supplies }} whom I highly recommend!

  • Very Vanilla*
  • Vanilla Bean*
  • Vanilla Sandalwood*
  • Vanilla Bean Noel*
  • Pink Sugar*
  • Marshmellow Fluff*
  • Vanilla de Madagascar*
  • Black Raspberry Vanilla
  • Vanilla Abricot*
  • Butterscotch Frosting*
  • Warm Vanilla Sugar*
  • Musk Vanilla
  • Drizzled Honey Vanilla Creme
Names with an * means I have already soaped these and photo's will be uploaded asap :)


  1. I am so interested in this Artisan - thank you for sharing your vanilla journey! :)

  2. This is going to be fun and interesting!

  3. I'm happy to share my results, but I warn you my nose seems to sense scents somewhat different to the average person who posts reviews on a fragrance ..

    But I will be brutally honest - and the pics speak for themselves ;)

  4. Great test idea. I can't wait to see the results!
